Ayumi Matsuzaka, Robin Takashi Lewis
Tokyo, Japan
Ayumi Matsuzaka, co-founder of DYCLE – Diaper Cycle, in Berlin Germany. Originally a conceptual artist, Ayumi has been exploring the human role in energy and material cycles through participatory art interventions, over the last 10 years. After carrying out projects relating to soil in Europe and Asia, she learnt about the production of Terra Preta soil substrate, whilst realising that parents are keen to reduce the huge amounts of diaper waste. Diaper Cycle is a system for these parents, offering 100% compostable diaper inlays, which after use, are transformed into healthy soil, ready to plant fruit trees.
Robin Takashi Lewis is a social entrepreneur based in Japan, recently recognised by M.I.T. Technology Review in its ‘Top Innovators Under 35 Japan’ awards. He is Co-founder of mymizu, an initiative to reduce consumption of single-use plastics (two-time winner of Japan’s Ministry of Environment Award). Robin is also the Co-founder of Social Innovation Japan, a platform for social good focusing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, named as one of Nikkei’s 100 companies building the future of Japan. For over 10 years, Robin has worked with social enterprises, NGOs and inter-governmental organisations, including consultant roles at the World Bank, and has managed humanitarian operations in countries such as Haiti, Nepal, Vanuatu and Mozambique.
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